“When we praise God in our struggles, we enthrone Him in our lives. When we whine and complain about our situations, we enthrone the enemy in our lives instead. It’s a binary choice. There is no middle ground.”
“While God still continues to find ways in which to bless us, no matter what, our changing attitudes and belief towards Him can sometimes limit His ability to do so”
“It is the tragedy of today’s churches that leaders don’t invest enough of their time in searching their flock and allowing God to discern and reveal their calling to them.”
“Being joint heirs is not just some “by and by” promise of a Heavenly inheritance. It is the empowerment to act as an heir with Jesus to continue the work He began here and now.”
“Although Jesus was fully God, He was also fully man, which was necessary for our sacrifice and redemption…He had to lean and depend on the same Spirit of God as we do in order to accomplish His Father’s will.”
“We are better able to advance Christ when we go as a team, where each of us operate in our strengths and compensate for each other’s weaknesses, rather than if we just went at it alone.”
“It is crucial that we meet and fellowship with ‘like-minded’ believers on a regular basis…not just at church… in order to share and discuss the things God places on our hearts.”
“It starts with the seeking. There’s no other way that we can discover who we are, what God has for us, how He feels about us, and the impact that we can have on those around us, if we’re not seeking God on a daily basis.”